SuicidePhoenix wins GIGABYTE Initial K Contest, crazy finish to the tightest battle on HWBOT yet!

HWBOT.ORG held the GIGABYTE Initial K Contest based on Intel Sandy Bridge platform in April. It just finished with a thrilling final day of continuous lead changes.

In the final day of the competition, Predator from Spain was the first to take the lead, followed by Mad222. At this point it looked like Mad was going to take it out but the fat lady didn’t sing just yet. Out of nowhere come SuicidePhoenix from Germany and Coolbits from Italy and leave the final score deadlocked at 48 points each with some blistering runs over 5.9GHz with P67A-UD7 and P67A-UD5.

SuicidePhoenix won due winning more stages. HWBOT reported 85x 5.6G+ results and 16x top-5 hw-ranks. Quality overclocking with GIGABYTE P67 boards and 2500/2600K CPUs for sure!



Congrats to SuicidePhoenix for winning GIGABYTE’s new flagship overclocking board!



nacho_arroyo shows off the power of X58A-OC with 7052MHz OC on a retail 980X

Argentinian overclocker nacho_arroyo got a new motherboard recently, namely X58A-OC, and broke his old PB overclock he previously held with the X58A-UD9. The new frequency is a massive 7052Mhz on a retail Core i7 980X, wow!

To find out more about the world’s first dedicated OC motherboard visit this page!

Congratulations, that’s a huge OC!





GIGABYTE Touch BIOS in Action

For those keeping score, GIGABYTE Touch BIOS will be made available on the GIGABYTE website early next week for the media who have received early samples with full release to come soon after that. In the meantime, I thought I’d throw up a quick intro video for those who want to see a little more of GIGABYTE’s Touch BIOS in action before it launches.

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GIGABYTE Touch BIOS logo and application images debut on Facebook

For those of you who are gripped by a feverish need to learn more about GIGABYTE’s new Touch BIOS feature, you’ll be relieved to find that we’ve just uploaded a batch of related images to our facebook fan page. As well as the Touch BIOS logo, you can also be among the very first to catch a glimpse of the user-friendly GUI icons as well as a few menu pages…just to whet your appetite of course.

TouchBIOS_Logo TouchBIOS_UI


To check out the rest of the images, visit our facebook fan page. And don’t forget to give us a ‘like’ if that’s how you feel!


The changed role of USB

USB has unexpectedly become the prevalent charging port for mobile devices in a world where each device vendor used to insist on a unique charger design in order to differentiate themselves. While spring cleaning last week, I discovered several old chargers lying in my drawer at home and, remarkably, decided to keep most of them because of all the mini and micro USB charged devices in my household (I even have a radio controlled helicopter that charges from a USB port). Most (if not all) people have used various versions of USB, but if you don’t know the names for the charging interfaces then here are the most relevant ones: The picture below compares mini-USB (left) to micro-USB (right).


Mini-USB compared to Micro-USB

And below is a comparison between mini-USB to the standard USB connector.


Mini-USB compared to standard USB

Looking at the history of USB, it hasn’t always been everybody’s favorite. I bought my first USB flash drive in 2001 when there was an ongoing debate about Firewire vs USB. Firewire was faster, but USB was more recognized (by the way, that was a 16MB flash drive that cost NT$3,600/US$109; you can get a 16GB flash drive for less today at the same store). It was the consumer electronics crowd that preferred Firewire in those days because of the advantages of higher data transfer for the new wave of digital cameras and video recorders that were hitting the shelves. I guess the point of this blog entry is that in those days it was all about data transfer speeds, where today USB is ubiquitous because it is such a convenient recharging standard.

On a recent visit to South Africa, I was amazed to find that you can buy a mini-USB or micro-USB 12V car charger from street vendors in every major city. That’s when I realized that USB is now more of a charging standard and than a data standard. A quick google search for USB chargers yielded a number of interesting designs. The USB wall socket is something I’ve not seen before.

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Some examples of USB chargers and power plugs

On/Off Charge

How does this affect the motherboard industry? Well for one it reinforces the saying that you can never have too many USB ports because the number of devices that can be charged by them is continually growing - the P67A-UD7 features 18 USB ports (10 x USB 3.0 and 8 x USB 2.0).

It also encourages more innovation in USB power and charging capabilities. Many people are not aware that GIGABYTE motherboards can charge devices through their USB ports even if the PC is switched off (as long as the PSU is receiving power from the power socket). This is so that you don’t have to start up your PC just to charge your Bluetooth headset or phone. The iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch all require a PC to be running before they can be charged! Enter On/Off Charge, that works from a special USB onboard header through the PC’s front USB 2.0 ports, to quick charge these iDevices (including the iPad 2) irrespective of whether the PC is on or off. GIGABYTE motherboards without the On/Off Charge onboard header will also be able to quick charge iDevices after installing On/Off Charge, however the PC will have to be on or the iDevice must be connected while the PC is on and then only can the PC be shut down while charging continues.


3X USB Power

It doesn’t stop there though, every GIGABYTE motherboard shipping today boasts 3X USB Power. We’ve done this to improve the user experience when using USB powered devices in that we want them to just work better with GIGABYTE motherboards. Essentially, we know that different USB cables have different amounts of signal and power degradation, and we can’t control the quality and length of the cables that people plug into our USB ports, so we increased the cut off power fuse tolerance enabling the USB ports to offer more power to ensure that the device at the end of the cable is getting the power that it is asking for. Of course, this also helps to make Y cables a thing of the past because you’ll be getting enough power from a single USB port and don’t need two!


Say good-bye to Y cables

Additionally, to make 3X USB Power more robust we reinforced the traces in the PCB from the power connector to the USB ports and onboard headers. We also increased the number of fuses to 1 per USB port – previously it was 1 fuse for 2 or even 4 ports. This is a lot of fuses if you consider that every single GIGABYTE MB has 3X USB Power. The benefit of having 1 fuse per USB port is that should a fuse blow due to static electricity or some other surge from a USB device, then only 1 port will be disabled.

What about Thunderbolt?

One of the most common questions that I get asked when talking about USB 3.0 is when will Thunderbolt replace USB 3.0. I’m not sure that it will in the next couple of years because there just aren’t enough Thunderbolt devices available yet. Of course, just like other new high-speed data transfer technologies, GIGABYTE is looking at incorporating it as soon as possible onto our MBs where it can coexist like USB and Firewire have for the past decade. Essentially, we expect USB 3.0 to provide enough headroom for 5 years (we’re 18 months into that now so at least another 3.5 years from now), and then we’ll see what new technology the USB-IF has in store… A glance at this article might whet your appetite. Keep in mind that one of the USB-IF’s key design features is backwards compatibility with previous USB standards, so if this continues then whatever new technologies there are will continue to work with today’s USB 3.0 ports.


GIGABYTE E-Sports Championships COD:BlackOPS 2011!


GESC2011 COD: BlackOPS has drawn to a close. This is the first time that COD: BlackOPS was played live in Australia and contestants were extremely happy to finally meet some of their “arch enemies” in person.

The final was held at ReSpawn LAN in Melbourne with a big crowd of 500 gamers visiting from all over the country as usual. I’ll leave you with some videos and photos from the finals, enjoy!

GRAND FINAL VIDEOS (Part1 and 2. Team Immunity-Australia vs Exile5-New Zealand)

Congratulations to Team Immunity on the first place!

Big thanks to GameSTAH commentators for covering the event! Click on the images below to view the final with professional commentary:




Splave takes the lead in HWBOT’s GIGABYTE Initial K Contest!

HWBOT is running a contest based on GIGABYTE P67 Sandy Bridge until 30th April. There are still 5 days to go and as expected some hard hitting overclockers are about to join in the race. Splave is running the P67A-UD5-B3 with a 2600K past 5.8GHz and tops the list with 40 points. He is closely followed by icebob and Matose. This will be some fight hehehe.

Did I mention the winner of this contest comes away with a brand spanking new X58A-OC board. Join in the fun here!




dinos22 plays with the new GIGABYTE GTX580SOC

Dino put up a thread on XtremeSystems about the upcoming non-reference GPU from GIGABYTE, GTX580SOC. Have a look at the thread for more info about how it behaves on LN2 and some initial clocks.


Current test rig contains the new P67X-UD3R-B3 board we recently wrote about breaking some world records.



Monster 3DMARK01 scores on horizon by SuicidePhoenix

SuicidePhoenix from Germany is at it again. This time we are talking about some huge 3DMARK01 warm-up scores. He just posted 131,409points with a single GTX280. I am expecting to see some carnage here with some more tweaking and hopefully some bigger GPU clocks from the big guy. Very impressive to see how powerful Gigabyte P67 and 5.9GHz Sandy Bridge in the most popular 3D benchmark of all time!




Lab501’s Monstru likes his X58A-OC board, 6.8GHz overclock with his 990X too, very nice!



Sin0822 & Chew* review the X58A-OC, fantastic reads!

Sin0822 is at it again but this time with the new X58A-OC board. He got his new toy recently and had a very detailed look of what it’s made of. I love this writeup seriously, you will not read anything this indepth elsewhere, well worth the read.

Americans love their flags, his keen eye spotted one on the southbridge hahah!

Read sin’s detailed write-up HERE.

Here are a few images from his review!




If you thought that wasn’t enough i have another fantastic write-up for y’all to check out that chew* put together. I love the fact he pulled out a bunch of random CPUs and knocked up some monster scores. One would conclude that the board had a lot to do with that aside from Brian being able to get the most out of it of course!

Read the full review HERE. I will also leave some great shots from his thread for you to check out as well. Chew* is a no nonsense sort of guy, gets straight to business of overclocking, well worth the read!
