Congrats to Japanese user Sebuntya who has just claimed the HWBOT SuperPI A8-3850 world record at 16sec11ms using his GIGABYTE A75-UD4H motherboard and AMD A8-3850 CPU.
He was able to reach this score using LN2 and a 4.7561GHz OC:
This is quite an impressive feat and I have a feeling we will be seeing some more world records fall to him as he has also been able to take his CPU up to 4.906GHz on LN2 which is also a record as of 7/21
Update: 7/21
He also has taken records for the following categories:
CPU-Z:4905.96 MHz
Super PI 1M:16sec 110ms
Super PI 32M:14min 17sec 500ms
PiFast:24.31 sec
wPrime 32M:7sec 671ms
wPrime 1024M:243sec 46ms
UCBench 2011:867.8 MPT-score
Read the Chinese version (中文版) here.