HiCookie achieves new high CPU frequency with GIGABYTE Z77X-UP7, hits 7.112GHz!

When we said there was more to come from the Z77X-UP7, we were dead serious. Get a load of this. Our in-house overclocking guru HiCookie has just pushed the limits for an Intel Core i7 3770K to an incredible 7.112GHz. Catch the video below.
<\/param><\/embed><\/object><\/div>";" src="http://lh3.ggpht.com/-pciyNqMQjZ8/UEA2oZGhuMI/AAAAAAAAEVU/gIuAVJPMT-o/videoa397c1ea8933%25255B2%25255D.jpg?imgmax=800" style="border-style: none;" />We see this as great indicator that the torch has now been passed from our first OC board, the X58-OC to the Z77X-UP7. You can learn more about the board and it’s OC features here.


Overclocking comp you shouldn’t miss!

HWBOT is organising an exciting competition for the month of September called GIGABYTE Classic Challenge2.

We’re talking old school benchmarks in this challenge, 32M SuperPi with unlimited cooling or clocks. 3D round has an interesting twist. It’s a low clock challenge in 3DMARK01 with a nature FPS cap and CPU MHz cap. Let’s see the tweakers come out and show off their skills. The MHz cap on nature opens the door for ATI cards to compete as well. Let’s see who’s got the right mix of hardware and tweaks to reign supreme in this test of efficiency and skill.


Main prize is none other than the GIGABYTE Z77X-UP7. That’s right people, UP7 up for grabs, time to put your benching shoes on!

Here is the competition page link!



cFos: Speeds up your downloads


For those of us who download hefty data packages from the the Internet,maybe Online game services like Steam or Origin or shared HD video content, waiting for the download to finish can of course be a real pain. And having a the best Internet connection isn’t always a guarantee that your throughput is optimal. This is where cFos software can make a difference.

cFos is an app currently bundled on our G1.Sniper M3 and Z77X-UD5H boards, and according to the data, it actually does a very good job of speeding up your downloads – in some cases by more than doubling your speed. Essentially working as a network driver, cFos optimizes data traffic by means of Traffic Shaping.

Check out the difference it can make to your download speeds: http://www.cfos.de/en/cfosspeed/rwin-expansion.htm

Here’s a video that show exactly what it can do:

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Building an all-rounder PC with GIGABYTE Z77X-UP4 TH!

clip_image002I build PCs on an odd occasion with some sort of focus on gaming or overclocking. It's not every day I build an all rounder PC so Here is my take on one.

When GIGABYTE first got talking about the new Ultra Durable 5 at Computex 2012 with the sweet new power design and thunderbolt I thought, here we go I'm finally going to get the old box out and put together a new PC which serves as a multimedia machine, work machine and an occasional gamer. Bottom line is I'm putting together the trusty all-rounder. Let's start with the hardware I'm using first.


  • Intel Core i7 3770K
  • Kingston HyperX 240GB SSD + 64GB mSATA
  • Western Digital Velociraptor 600GB + 2x2TB WD Green Drives
  • GIGABYTE GTX560 Windforce Graphics Card
  • Corsair AX750 Power Supply
  • Corsair Dominator Platinum 16GB 2133MHz kit
  • Corsair Carbide 400R with H100 water cooler installed
  • GIGABYTE Aivia Osmium keyboard and Krypton mouse+pad

There are the parts I chose but they could certainly change on various components to suit a different budget or brand preference.

Let's start with the board. It's the latest of the Z77 boards. It has USB3 ports on the back, dual thunderbolt and some usual connectors you'd expect from a mid to high end GIGABYTE motherboard.


clip_image006This board is based on Ultra Durable 5 with some seriously powerful 60Amp chokes and mosfets capable of high OC and with very cool running temperature it's ideal for closed waterloops like the Corsair we are going to use. Also important to me is the fact such high spec will mean the power design will stay less stressed over time and live up to its Ultra Durable name.  

clip_image008One thing to note with all the USB 3 ports is to install your keyboard into one of those ports unless you are running a PS2 for initial installation until the USB3 drivers are loaded. GIGABYTE put a sticker on there but it seems people overlook that at times.

While we are on topic of making your life easier you should also pay attention to the way you install your watercooler. Corsair enclosed watercoolers are really popular and for good reason. They are simple to setup and do what they advertise without much fuss. There is one thing to be mindful of and that is the orientation of the block. This isn't about waterflow or esthetics but purely mechanical to make sure you do not interfere with the CPU mount on this board. If you look at the two images below, one on the left makes the block sit up as it's leaning on the capacitors while on the right it clears them with ease. I only noticed as my CPU temp was idling 10C higher than it should have been!


clip_image016OK let's move on to something that probably a few of you might find interesting. I've got SSD, mSATA flash and standard mechanical drives in the PC build. What the heck right?! LOL. I have to say that in my normal type of geeky benching and testing that I do as a hobby (extreme overclocking), I find that SSD drives tend to corrupt data a bit quicker than normal drives so i tend to have ghost file backups of my "benching" operating systems. Maybe it's just me though but that's what I've seen. When it comes to clip_image018my allrounder PC i haven't  run a SSD as an OS drive because of that reason (as when you backup those images you later discover they can't be loaded on a replacement drive). It's hard to talk about reliability but it is fairly new tech still and i found a way to get the performance but with a bit less risk if you will.

My way of working around it is pretty simple, use mSATA as a caching drive (Intel Smart Response) with a high capacity mechanical drive as the main OS. This works out well as the drive gets sped up but a flash drive and if it was to say die i can just take it out and continue using the main drive until the replacement comes in. clip_image020

Setting up Smart Response is dead easy, just download GIGABYTE EZ Setup application (above) and follow the prompts. No need to edit registry and all the other heartaches associated with this as you have to change your setup into a bootable RAID (which the software does automatically for you).

Here is what it should look like all setup (on the right).

clip_image014SSD for me is a scratch drive and the drive i use to install my video editing software, games etc. Speed of this drive is no just fast, it's INSANELY fast. I remember the days of super expensive RAID controllers and 8+ HDDs to try and get this sort of performance. Imagine the power consumption, heat and noise associated with that sort of setup compared to one lonely SSD drive sitting in the PC now smashing into the data like a bhoss! I must warn you though, you have to buy a high performance SSD to see these sorts of figures which is exactly what Kingston HyperX SSD is. They aren't cheap but considering they replace Raid controllers and multiple drives, it's actually not that bad and you could probably buy a few of these drives I'd imagine. Hmmmmmm I wonder what two of these in Raid0 would do EEEEK...


clip_image024One of the things that made me consider a single drive was because it supports TRIM in a single drive. For those of you unfamiliar with TRIM function, what it basically does is prevent SSD from deteriorating in performance over time considerably as it starts to get filled up. TRIM function was not supported in RAID mode on Intel controllers until recently actually. You will need to have a Z77 board, the right ROM and drives. Here is more written on this subject at RWLABS. While you're at it you should also jump to Lifehacker site and read about some important setup steps when you do run a SSD to prevent unnecessary reads and writes on the flash drive.

I normally run a setup outside the case to make sure it's happy and everything functions as it should. Once I make sure all the temps are alright I'll do some stress testing. The new OCCT application is pretty cool and does CPU, memory and GPU benchmarks. One or two hours of that should give a pretty good indication on system stability. Time will do the rest however as I found out later in the build. During testing it was all passing great and after a week of usage I got a blue screen and after a bit of troubleshooting I found that my RAM overclock needed a voltage bump even though it was passing some RAM based benchmarks OK. That sorted it out and it's been happy for the last couple of weeks since.

On topic of overclocking, I've used a very simple method to OC the machine but simply moving turbo multipliers in bios to 40x hence everything else is running auto including voltage. That was the PC can run most of it's time in idle as it does with most people with the minimum of voltage while it loads up during any stress test as per this video.

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clip_image026I like good quality RAM as a lot of operations these days go through it. Video editing software such as Sony Vegas or Adobe Premiere will use as much RAM as you can give the application so 16GB of 2133MHz Corsair Dominator Platinum sticks does not seem that out of place. I overclocked them to 2400 and now use 1.6vdimm as opposed to 1.55v which tested OK as it needed a small voltage bump in real world app usage to prevent instability. RAM bandwidth does give a nice performance boost on Intel Ivy Bridge platform so always try to bump up the speed a bit of you can and test thoroughly to make sure it doesn't fall over. Talk about Adobe Premiere, I found a nifty little article that talks about how you can use a normal GTX560 that I have in this rig for example with the new Mercury Playback Engine which helps speed up some video editing effects with CUDA as well as general video encoding. Check it out here.

With all the parts tested and going alright it was time to get it all packed up and put in a case. I picked one of the new Corsair Carbide 400A. It has space for a lot of fans but what i found most useful was a dual radiator space on top of the case. I went with pull configuration (fans pulling air out of the case through to fins to the top as per photo) to prevent fans from forcing dust into the fins of the radiator but also encountered a tight fit with the board heatsink. This case has wide side panels so when you try to close the back panel which hides the cabling you don't have any issues closing the door or trying to jam the cables in there as there is plenty of room.


I'm not a professional case builder so you won't be seeing me doing some life changing cable management or anything like that LOL but I think it looks pretty neat the way it all came together. Case manufacturers will need to start looking into making some sort of mounts that secure graphics cards better as PCB sag is pretty obvious in most builds you see due to the weight of heatsinks etc (mind you this is probably one of the lighter heatsinks as well, even lighter than reference design I'd say).

I've got a couple of new peripherals GIGABYTE released which I really dig, particularly the keyboard. It's pretty fancy and I've got a pile of gear from every gaming company that I used for my compatibility testing. This keyboard looks the goods, had a good feel to it now that I've used it for a few weeks, and some of the features on it are spot on for me such as USB3 plug on the keyboard itself that also powers USB Hard drives. I use external drives a lot for image backups and large file transfers and general storage. Mouse has weights in it, I just packed it full of weights so it feels solid, I'm sure I'll improve my fragging performance now too! heheh


Being able to adjust audio and brightness with a proper quality gear is also a big yes. Wife noticed the new keyboard and sort of lifted it and went, that's a nice one, where is my one!!! LOL Since when do women care what a keyboard looks like...



Here she is in full glory just before I put in a few storage HDDs and SSD. I'm going to put together a thunderbolt based blog soon with some testing I've done recently on this board and a thunderbolt drive.





GIGABYTE Z77X-UP7 gets officially announced

The day has finally arrived, our new top-of-the-line 7 series motherboard has been officially announced; introducing the GIGABYTE Z77X-UP7 motherboard. Featuring our new Ultra Durable 5 technology, 32 phase CPU power delivery and exclusive, cool overclocking features including our new LN2 mode switch, the Z77X-UP7 has already proven itself to be a true record breaker – in fact you can watch a video from TweakTown showing the Z77X-UP7 in action hitting 7.102GHz just a few days ago.
Check out the full details including specs and features on our dedicated website here.
The full press release can be found here.


TweakTown catch 7.102GHz Ivy Bridge world record on video

Cameron Wilmot from TweakTown was on hand a few days ago to chat with our resident overclocker HiCookie while he was putting the forthcoming Z77X-UP7 board through its paces. Fortunately, Cam was present as Cookie blasted past the previous world record CPU clock for Ivy Bridge, to hit an astonishing 7.102GHz.
Watch the video below to see Cookie and his record breaking Z77X-UP7 in action.
<\/param><\/embed><\/object><\/div>";" src="http://lh5.ggpht.com/-P_HrWmH5twM/UDrezZZ5BQI/AAAAAAAAEN4/5jC7GKGsAjk/videoe52f6820022e%25255B5%25255D.jpg?imgmax=800" style="border-style: none;" />Watch this space for more on our forthcoming Z77X-UP7 motherboard. This is quite possibly, just the beginning….


Aristidis wins all three Ultra Durable 5 boards in the GIGABYTE ‘Classic Challenge’ OC competition

Earlier today we announced the conclusion of our GIGABYTE Classic Challenge competition hosted on HWBot for the last few weeks. Remarkably, we saw Greek overclocker Aristidis complete the pretty incredible feat of winning both competition stages to win not only the prizes for each stage (an X79S-UP5 WIFI for stage 1 plus a X79-UP4 for stage 2), but also the bonus prize awarded for doing so, a forthcoming GIGABYTE F1A85X-UP4.


Here’s how Aristidis’ scored:

Stage 1 - 3DMark 01 – 160342 marks
Stage 2 – SuperPi 32M – 6 min 55 seconds
(CPU Locked at 4.5GHz)

You can check out the full press release with all the details, or visit the HWBot competition page right here.

Congrats to Aristidis!


GIGABYTE G1.Sniper 3: Editor’s Choice at AnandTech

Gigabyte G1.Sniper 3 BoxBoard_575px

AnandTech chief motherboard reviewer, Ian Cutress, just published an exhaustive appraisal of a several Z77 boards designed with multi-GPU configurations in mind. It’s great to see the GIGABYTE G1.Sniper 3, our flagship Intel Z77 gaming motherboard, pull ahead of the pack with a perfect storm of features, performance and value for money – claiming the prestigious Bronze Editor’s Choice award along the way.bronze_awardHere’s a taste of what Ian had to say;

“It is easy to recommend the Gigabyte G1.Sniper 3 – for the price it provides the performance, the functionality and the extras in the box that a user needs.  Somehow Gigabyte has been able to undercut the competition to good effect, and passing this good value package onto consumers.

With this in mind, I would like to give the Gigabyte G1.Sniper 3 the AnandTech Editors Choice Bronze Award.  For price, performance, and the sense of a good value package, the G1.Sniper 3 offers one of the best price competitive PLX PEX 8747 packages available today.”


You can catch the full and comprehensive review on Anandtech.com here.

More details about the GIAGBYTE G1.Sniper 3 can be found on our product page here.


GIGABYTE 7 series Mini-ITX board images make Facebook debut

There have a few images of our forthcoming 7 series Mini-ITX boards floating about on the webospheric ether in the last few days, so we thought it was about time we added some official shots to our Facebook page. The new boards will be loyal to the compact 17cm x 17cm Mini-ITX form factor and sport Intel Centrino WiFi.


Catch the full image set here: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151000030542120.419514.209090107119&type=1


GIGABYTE: We’re ready for Windows 8

news-0821Yesterday we made an official announcement regarding Windows 8 and how our entire range of currently available motherboards are ready to run Microsoft’s forthcoming Windows OS. We’ve worked closely with Microsoft to ensure all our current range will transition smoothly to the new platform with special attention to driver and BIOS compatibility.

Of course, as with any major OS release, it’ll be interesting to see Windows 8 come to market and it’s reception from desktop PC users, especially among DIY builders. And although many commenters perceive the new OS as being Microsoft’s key strategic weapon in the tablet arena, it’s also very encouraging to see that Windows 8 should actually be a really good performer on the desktop PC.

This article from TechSpot compares Windows 7 and Windows 8 (RTM) in a head to head performance shoot out, and it’s very encouraging to see Windows 8 perform or out-perform its predecessor in most stages. Noticeably, TechSpot reported seeing faster boot up, shut times and wake from sleep as well as overall performance improvements in both CPU and 3D benchmarks. Here a few examples:



In conclusion, this is what Tech Spot’s Steven Walton had to say:

“The improvements that have been made to startup and shutdown times are self-evident, and no doubt a major focus on the new OS' development…. Another notable improvement was seen in multimedia performance. This was first observed when running PCMark 7 and later confirmed when we ran x264 HD Benchmark 5.0 and our HandBrake encoding test.”

In fact it’s really encouraging to see Windows 8 excel in pretty much all testing scenarios including browser performance, media encoding, file copying and 3D gaming. Of course the new Windows 8 user interface will be the main talking point when it’s released later this year, but it’s great to see that Microsoft have again been working hard to satisfy those of us who crave better performance above all else.

You can find the press release announcing Windows 8 readiness on GIGABYTE boards here.

A webpage with more info about GIGABYTE boards and Windows 8 can be found here.

Read the full Windows 8 performance review on Tech Spot here.

Above benchmark images courtesy of TechSpot.com


HKEPC crew hit a new world record Ivy Bridge high of 7.09GHz with GIGABYTE Z77X-UP7

GIGABYTE Z77X-OC (I mean UP7) is going to turn heads and stop the traffic very soon as it starts to ship out in your local shop in near future. 830651
HKEPC had the opportunity to take one for a spin with hicookie in Hong Kong and hit the new Ivy Bridge world record frequency. Our readers might be familiar with Mad222 who we’ve mentioned many times in the past, he has recently joined this new team and you can see things skyrocketing to new records in their labs for obvious reason.

Great work guys and keep pushing. Z77X-UP7 is not far from retail, keep an eye out for more details soon.
Here is the new 7090.95MHz 3770K world record validation.
Looks like secret to crazy OC is to bring your wife/GF along!!! Open-mouthed smile


Video: Vortez check out the GIGABYTE Z77X-UP5 TH

David Michelson on Vortez.net has a published a great video featuring our new Z77X-UP5 TH motherboard. David details the retail package as well as the aesthetics of the board, before going on to check out all the features we’ve added including our new Ultra Durable 5 technologies and of course the dual Thunderbolt ports.

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Once again, we’re really happy to see that David was impressed with our efforts. The full review on Vortez.net reveals another Gold Award!

David - “Z77X-UP5TH is an aesthetic masterpiece and a very impressive motherboard. It will satisfy those seeking high-end performance with Intel Z77 and has the added bonus of being future-proofed with dual Thunderbolt ports. The quality is brilliant, the feature-set is extensive and the overclocking is great can you tell why we are impressed?”


Check out the full review on Vortez.net

More info about the GIGABYTE Z77X-UP5 TH can be found on our website here.


G1-Killer CPU-Z skin available now

A lot of you may have seen the G1-Killer CPU-Z skin in Hicookie and Dino’s posts over the past few weeks, and we’ve even noticed a few pre-launch versions floating around the OC interweb… Well the good news is that the final and approved version is now available form the CPUID website.


You can download it from the right hand column; look for the G1 CPUz logo:


Or you could just download it directly from this link.

There have been some requests for a black and orange version. Like this post if you want a UP7 version.


PC Gaming Fastest Growing Platform!

I came across a couple of interesting articles over at VRZone and Guru3D talking about the state of PC gaming. VRZone had a hilarious image to complement the article LOL.


PC gaming is dead, or so console manufacturers and the gaming media over the last five years would have us believe. Every year it seems like another industry head, game developer or media pundit is announcing the death of PC gaming, despite any and all evidence to the contrary. Now, it seems that at least one publisher has noticed that, to paraphrase Mark Twain, rumors of our death have been greatly exaggerated.

In a recent interview with CNBC, the CEO of Electronic Arts, John Riccitiello, said that the PC platform has the fastest-growing software revenues in all of gaming. “Just five years ago, people said that the PC game business was in a radical state of decline because NPD said it was down 10%, 20%, 30% year in and year out,” he said. “The fastest growing platform for video games today is the PC, but it’s growing through subscription, through microtransactions, through downloads.”

Read more: http://vr-zone.com/articles/pc-gaming-fastest-growing-platform/16749.html#ixzz23ZEe3bT8

Over at Guru3D, Hilbert also had a similar article talking about the fall of console gaming in fact and rise of PC gaming with some sales figures he’s gotten. Here are a couple of interesting quotes.

The gaming world is changing again as according to industry analyst NPD Group, sales of video-game consoles (Xbox, PS3, Wii), software and even accessories fell for a sixth consecutive month in May, tumbling 28% from a year earlier to $517 million. With the release of Diablo III, May saw the first time since July 2010 that the top-selling game was a PC-only title.

That boosted PC video games sales up year-over-year to 230% or $80 million.

Read more: http://www.guru3d.com/news/pc-game-sales-up-230/


Hidden Gems competition winners revealed; prove 20 years of ultra durability

Today we’re announcing the lucky winners of our Hidden Gems competition. Just to jig your memory a moment; we asked all of our fans and followers on Facebook to show us either a photo or video of their old GIGABYTE motherboard, with the emphasis firmly on ‘Old’. We wanted to unearth as many classic GIGABYTE boards as possible, stoke a bit of nostalgia and celebrate our illustrious history as a tier one motherboard manufacturer.

The ‘Grand’ Prize – Victoria Chudinova – GA-586T2 – 1996

If you recall, we had three prize categories. The first, or ‘Grand Prize’ was for the submission which got the most votes from visitors to the Hidden Gems webpage. After several weeks of intense activity, this prize most deservedly goes to Victoria Chudinova of the Ukraine for her fantastically creative video submission which featured a GIGABYTE GA-586T2 from 1996. Victoria walks away with a GIGABYTE G1.Sniper M3 motherboard. Check out the video below.

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The ‘Team GIGABYTE’ Prize - Sergey Erofeev - GA-7VA-C – 2002

The second prize consisted of a GIGABYTE Z77X-UD3H motherboard, with the winner chosen exclusively by the GIGABYTE marketing team here in Taipei. We selected an incredibly unique chassis build from Sergey Erofeev in Russia who showed us how his GIGABYTE 7VA-C motherboard from 2002 was housed in a chassis entirely out of old motherboards. Pretty slick.

Sergey Erofeev


The ‘Most Deserving of an Upgrade’ Prize- Dmitriy-Stadnik - GA-386UM – 1991

Last, but not least, we have the ‘Most Deserving of an Upgrade’ Prize which was awarded to a Dmitriy Stadnik also of the Ukraine who submitted the oldest GIGABYTE motherboard with his video featuring a GIAGBYTE 386UM board from 1991. Incredibly, Dmitriy shows the board is still in good working order after all this time. We hope you enjoy your prize – a free upgrade to a GIGABYTE B75M-D3H motherboard. Check the video below.

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Finally, on behalf of all us here in the GIGABYTE motherboard team, thank you all for taking part and making the competition such great fun. It’s been really interesting to engage with you all on the topic we love most, GIGABYTE motherboards old and new.

If you want to check some real Hidden Gems, you still can by visiting the competition website here: http://event.gigabyte.com/hidden_gems/index.aspx