HiCookie achieves new high CPU frequency with GIGABYTE Z77X-UP7, hits 7.112GHz!

When we said there was more to come from the Z77X-UP7, we were dead serious. Get a load of this. Our in-house overclocking guru HiCookie has just pushed the limits for an Intel Core i7 3770K to an incredible 7.112GHz. Catch the video below.
<\/param><\/embed><\/object><\/div>";" src="http://lh3.ggpht.com/-pciyNqMQjZ8/UEA2oZGhuMI/AAAAAAAAEVU/gIuAVJPMT-o/videoa397c1ea8933%25255B2%25255D.jpg?imgmax=800" style="border-style: none;" />We see this as great indicator that the torch has now been passed from our first OC board, the X58-OC to the Z77X-UP7. You can learn more about the board and it’s OC features here.