اينشتاين يتوسط ممثلين في مسرحية بنيويورك 1934 |
سي أي إيه تبحث عن توظيف مترجم للغة اليهود اليديش
نتنياهو بحث مع الملك الأردني إقامة "كونفدرالية" مع فلسطين
إسرائيل تقرر فك الحصار عن قطاع غزة
بوابة المجلس التشريعي في غزة |
وزارة العدل الفلسطينية: تقرير رايتس ووتش غير منصف
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غولدستون |
في ذكرى حرب الفرقان-وزارة الداخلية في غزتطلق اليوم اذاعة الفلسطينية لتحسين التواصل ما بين المواطن ورجال الامن
في ذكرى حرب الرصاص المصبوب 27/12/2008 |
وسائل اعلام اردنية تتهم "السلطة" بالتدخل في الانتخابات الاردنية
(المصدر) صحيفة القدس
تقرير إسرائيلي داخلي يكشف:الاتحاد الأوروبي أصبح غير مقتنعا بالمفاوضات ويتطلع إلى إقامة دولة فلسطينية بدون التنسيق مع إسرائيل
الإذاعة الإسرائيلية: نتنياهو التقى العاهل الأردنى لبحث الوضع فى سوريا
GIGABYTE rolls up a 962 ‘Gold Cup’ submissions at HWBOT in 2012
So just out out curiosity, I went and had look at exactly how many overclockers are winning awards, specifically Gold Cup awards at HWBOT using our motherboards. Let’s just say the results were pretty damn impressive. In 2012, which of course isn’t quite over yet, exactly 962 1st place ranking hardware submissions – i.e. Gold Cup awards - on HWBOT.org were made by from people using GIGABYTE motherboards. That’s not a total submissions number, nope. That’s just Gold Cup submissions! Unbelievable!
Here’s the permalink so you can check it out for yourself: http://url.hwbot.org/VBtJJK
Gold Cups are awarded at HWBOT when a submission beats an existing highest score on a particular piece of hardware and a particular benchmark. Gold Cups are also league-agnostic, so Pros, enthusiasts and amateurs compete side by side.
As we move into 2013, we are seriously considering having monthly prize draws for these Gold Cup submissions that use GIGABYTE motherboards. I reckon it’d be a great way to give recognition to the hundreds of overclockers who might not be contenders for the heavyweight world records, but nonetheless, deserve recognition for their efforts. If you have any opinions on this, feel free to chime in below with comments.
Image source – Tony McCoy…. real Gold Cup legend in his own right. Not sure he can overclock hardware too well though.
تحذير استخباراتي: إسرائيل تواجه خسارة العالم الاتحاد الأوروبي يبحث فرض العملية السلمية
إحباط محاولة تهريب 17 صاروخا من سيناء الى غزة
(المصدر) صحيفة المصريون
قيادي بـ"الجهاد الإسلامي":عودة السلطة الفلسطينية للمفاوضات مع إسرائيل "وهم وتضليل"
زوجة الأسير عز الدين تفتح اضراب مفتوح عن الطعام
شعث: اسرائيل سحبت بطاقتي الدبلوماسية
الأمن المصري يعتقل مسؤولاً عن تهريب الأسلحة من ليبيا لحماس
عناوين الصحف الإسرائيلية الاثنين
يديعوت أحرونوت تزعم سقوط صاروخ في عسقلان أطلق من قطاع غزة
أحمد قريع يدعو إلى تشكيل حكومة دولة فلسطين بديلا عن حكومة السلطة الوطنية
قوات الاحتلال تحاصر مقر الصليب الأحمر في حي الشيخ جراح
صنداي تايمز:حماس تلقت أوامر من مشعل بحكم الضفة بدلا من"فتح"
GIGABYTE launch ‘Winter OC Whiteout’ competition at HWBOT
That’s right folks. GIGABYTE is launching a brand new month-long overclocking competition at HWBOT, and this time we’ve invited Cooler Master to chip in with prizes too, making sure it’s a real temptation for overclockers everywhere during this festive period. The winner of each of the three stages will win a GIGABYTE Z77X-UD4H motherboard plus a Cooler Master Seidon 120M liquid cooling kit.
As well as three benchmark stages (outlined below) we’ve also added a bit of festive cheer in the form of a bonus prize for the most wintery and festive submission photo. So crack out the LN2 and let the snow and ice collect on your pot! We’ll post the ten best photos on our Facebook ten days before the competition concludes, the one with most ‘Likes’ gets a GIGABYTE Z77-HD4 motherboard, plus a Cooler Master Sirus S-5.1 gaming headset.
‘Winter OC Whiteout’ Stages:
Stage 1: 3DMark11 "No 2011"- Any Non-Socket 2011 Intel CPU; Single GPU only
Stage 2: 3DMark Vantage “Dual core” - Dual or Single core Intel CPUs only; Single GPU
Stage 3: Heaven DX11 “Full Out” – Any Intel CPU; Single GPU only
Competition Rules
Entrants must use the official competition background (available on the HWBOT competition page). Verification screenshots are required and must include; benchmark score plus CPU-Z CPU/Memory/Mainboard tab. Entrants must include a picture of the rig used. All submission photos will be considered for the bonus prize. Usual HWBOT submission and verification rules apply.
For full contest rules, scoring and more details, please visit the contest page hosted at HWBOT
Handy tool to disable/enable ULPS (Ultra Low Power State) by youngpro22
James from the Australian Xtreme Overclocking team called TeamAU (www.teamau.net) is feeling the Xmas spirit and gave away one of the tools he made for TeamAU boys to control power state for ATI graphics cards. Basically the tool disables power throttling and forces the graphics cards not to fall asleep. It also lowers frequency and voltage on GPUs to save power.
This tool is handy to both gamers and overclockers as it helps with some stuttering issues in games and instability in AMD/ATI Crossfire (Xfire) that some experience while it also helps overclockers disable power state which can affect score efficiency. Downside is that you will have a warmer PC and use more power if you are a gamer so make sure you have adequate case cooling. Overclockers don’t normally have to be too concerned about this as they test on open platforms generally. You can try and see if it helps and revert back to original state by enabling ULPS with the same tool however. Worth a try!
This tool basically does what some of us had to do manually and it’s hard work I’ll tell ya as I've found out during my 7970 Xfire testing with hundreds of registry entries that need to be changed manually.
Here is what the tool looks like and you can find more information about how it works on James’ blog http://blog.metasplo.it/2012/12/amd-ulps-ultra-low-power-state-disable.html.
Give it up for James and TeamAU!
A Sin0822 guide to CPU and memory overclocking on the GIGABYTE Z77X-UP7
Power user Sin0822 has been busy once again, this time he’s written an in depth guide to getting the absolute most out of our flagship Z77X-UP7 motherboard in terms of both CPU and memory. As well as details about how to push an Intel 3770K on air and LN2, plus sound advice on pushing high-end memory kits from Corsair and G.SKILL, Sin also shot a short video that focuses on our UEFI BIOS which you can catch below. He’s even providing a link to download his OC profiles…awesome job.
If you own or are thinking of owning a GIGABYTE Z77X-UP7, then I highly suggest you go take a look at Sin’s guide over on Overclock.net
More info and specs on the GIGABYTE Z77X-UP7 can be found here.
I think YouTube is trying to tell me something today!
Global #3 3DMARK05 by TeamAU today using Z77X-UP7
CoolerMaster 1500W PSU seems to be a good match with this benching rig and multiple graphics cards. Plenty of power on tap!
مركز أسرى فلسطين: الأسير علاء الكركى من الخليل يدخل عامه العشرين
المؤامرة الأمريكية في مصر تستهدف تفكيك آخر جيوش المنطقة في مواجهة إسرائيل - عامر عبد المنعم
عامر عبد المنعم |
أوتشا: 73 عملية دهم وتفتيش في الضفة الغربية من بينها مكاتب 3 منظمات غير حكومية
TeamAU attend Atomic’s Perfect PC giveaway and do some overclocking, also freeze a Samsung smartphone with LN2
Atomic Magazine in Australia held its last event and gave away a perfect PC with a host of cool hardware including GIGABYTE Sniper 3 gaming board. TeamAU was in attendance with some overclocking and freezing of other stuff, namely some grapes, apples, pizza slices and a Samsung smartphone which was captured on video.
The boys also managed to pickup a global #3 3DMARK06 score with a GIGABYTE Z77X-UP7, 3770K CPU clocked at 6.55GHz and a pair of 5970 GPUs!
Yup, a Samsung smartphone was frozen with liquid nitrogen and torched for good measure, epic!