GIGABYTE 8 Series OC Boards: Most eagerly awaited on OCN

We just came across a few polls posted on that attempts to gauge which Z87 boards Overclockers are most looking forward to. The first poll asks: ‘Which brand would you buy a Z87 Motherboard from?

It’s really encouraging to see 66% of votes going to GIGABYTE.


Another poll also posted on OCN asks specifically about OC and gaming board models: ‘Which gaming/overlocking Z87 motherboard are you most looking forward to?’ Again we can see GIGBAYTE out front with 39% of total votes cast.


We’ve really put a great deal of thought into our forthcoming OC offerings, pulling out all the stops to give Overclockers an absolutely awesome OC experience. Hicookie and our engineers have been working ceaselessly for several months now, ensuring every last detail is nailed. So it’s really, really encouraging to see the OC community is so stoked about these boards. links here and here.