GIGABYTE motherboards have lowest RMA rate


We just came across a very interesting article on which examines the RMA (Return merchandise authorization) rates of several PC component segments by vendor. Although the data seems to be restricted to only e-retail, and covers only April 1 to October 1, 2012, it still paints a very positive picture from a GIGABYTE perspective.

Here’s the motherboard RMA leaderboard:

- Gigabyte 1.19% (previous 1.77%)
- ASUS 1.79% (previous 2.34%)
- ASRock 2.09% (previous 1.67%)
- MSI 3.05% (previous 2.24%)

In terms of purely socket 1155/Z77 chipset motherboards, the picture looks like this:

- Gigabyte 1.70%
- ASUS 1.87%
- ASRock 1.91%
- MSI 3.57%

Really encouraging to see that our guiding principle of building ‘Ultra Durable’ motherboards is completely borne out and validated by these figures, with GIGABYTE topping both tables.

It’s also great to see that GIGABYTE does not appear on the RMA top 5 list, which shows certain board models having return rates of up to 5.88%. Ouch…

Catch the full article (in French) here. English version courtesy of Google Translate, here.