ويؤكد المحلل الصهيوني قوله بأن الرياض لم تستضيف محادثات المصالحة بين فتح وحماس والتي جرت في قطر بسبب فشل اتفاق مكة وبسبب آخر وهو الصداقة بين غزة وإيران.
Atomic Magazine and GIGABYTE put on a show for its lucky readers at AtomicHQ in Sydney overnight.
The LN2 flowed free and fast last night, at our first sub-zero overclocking event here at Atomic HQ!
We opened the doors as the rest of Haymarket's staff were leaving, after casting a rather curious eye over the mess of gaming systems being set up by Team Immunity, and at the arcane tools of the serious overclocker. As folks showed up, both youngpro and dinos22, from TeamAU, got down to the action.
After a brief safety intro from Dino (essential when dealing with stuff as chillingly cold as LN2), our guests split into teams and got to work on two GIGABYTE boards, a UD3 and a UD5, each with a new Ivy Bridge processor, while some of the staff (ahem) got to testing out the Battlefield 3 LAN.
It's tough work!
Couple of readers warming up for an insane Battlefield3 frag off!
Dinos22 giving a quick rundown on GIGABYTE digital PWM and monster overclocking boards the lucky group was about to OC on their own (and hit some tremendous frequencies!)
Visit Atomic site for the event photo gallery and more on how the two competitions went with Battlefield3 playoff and LN2 OC dinos22 vs youngpro’s teams!
TeamAU boys, dinos22 and youngpro, had some extra LN2 to burn off and benchmarked 3DMARK01 with a new killer 3D01 bios and showed off nice efficiency the boards have now. Any 3DMARK01 tragic out there will absolutely love the new bios (to be released next week in beta!). Benchmarks were done on GIGABYTE Z77X-UD5H and Z77X-UD3H, both solid extreme OC boards!
3DMARK01 > 157700points (3rd fastest global score)
3DMARK03> 245K, world record 3x GIGABYTE 7970OC GPUs
3DMARK05 > 62K, world record 3x GIGABYTE 7970OC GPUs
For those of you closely watching the 7 series motherboard launches together with Intel’s 3rd gen Core CPUs, you may have noticed in the 7 series MB OC guide that mentions the new GIGABYTE Tweak Launcher (GTL) utility.
GTL is meant as a quick and easy way to type in OC settings when inside a Windows environment. It’s not as flashy as EasyTune 6 with all it’s sliders, buttons, fan speed control, etc…, but that’s just the point: it’s for tweakers who know what settings they want to arrive at. This would be a great tool for overclocking teams who’s members are based in different locations and may be IMing settings to each other as they test common components.
GTL can be downloaded from the utilities section of the GIGABYTE website, or from the Downloads > Utilities option for each Z77 chipset based motherboard. For example, here’s the link for the Sniper M3 GTL download.
Good morning to you all. I want to give you heads up about an insanely detailed and well thought out overclocking guide for Ivy Bridge and Z77 platform that sin0822 put together and posted about on forums yesterday.
The guide is fit for beginners and LN2 overclockers and has some detailed information about various aspects of this new platform from voltage scaling, LN2 or water OC, voltage guidelines, digital power option setup & tweaking, RAM overclocking tips, LLC analysis, bios profiles, insulating boards for subzero, you name it….
I’ll leave a couple of screenshots but for the full story check out this link. He ends the article with a quick taste of a little GIGABYTE SniperM3 doing some multithreaded benchmarking past 6GHz. Even the little boards with 4-pin input can handle some serious grunt in case some were wondering.
Just a few days ago, tonymacx86, (not surprisingly the chief writer for tonymacx86.com – arguably the best Hackintosh site on the web) announced to the world that GIGABYTE UEFI BIOS on our Z77 boards was offering better OSX support than previously possible, making Hackintosh building easier than ever:
“Big news! The Gigabyte UEFI on the Z77 chipset works natively with OS X power management- you don't need a DSDT to wake/sleep, and no kernel panics on power management whatsoever!!”
The reason for this lies with our unique UEFI BIOS coding, which allows for an OSX install without needing a DSDT file. As LG Nilsson at VR-Zone explains:
“Normally when you build a Hackingtosh you need something called a DSDT (Differentiated System Description Table) as this is how OS X can detect what kind of hardware you have in your system. Without a DSDT Hackintoshes tend to go into kernel panic mode, i.e. they're pretty much useless.…
However, the latest motherboards from Gigabyte don't appear to need a DSDT file for basic functionality, as the boards boot into OS X just fine without it….It's not entirely clear what Gigabyte has done to make this work, but it's made the life of those wanting to install an alternative OS on their PC a lot easier.”
I’m not going to divulge here exactly what we’ve done to achieve this improved support, but suffice it to say that we’re happy to make life easier for a small but dedicated band of DIYers who dare to bridge the x86 – Apple divide.
إعلان مجاني |
This must be one of the toughest couple of months as an overclocker and enthusiast to have had to go through I swear! We all had to respect the NDA until early hours this morning when it finally lifted. What an amazing new platform (for lack of a better word)! Intel has finally given overclockers the jackpot! The new king is in town and geeks call it IVY BRIDGE.
Today marks the day when just about any overclocking world record you can imagine will get smashed due to Intel’s ability to finally figure out and remove cold bug from the processors and cold scaling. We are talking 3D benching up to 7GHz on the most efficient platform in history.
I’d like to congratulate a friend, youngpro, for clinching some really nice records himself today, single card 3DMARK03 and 3DMARK05 global records using GIGABYTE Z77X-UD3H and 7970OC GPU as well as 32M and 1024M Wprime multithreaded scores. Congrats James! Keep pushing!
GIGABYTE R&D team including bios guys, top management, software guys, just about everyone has started working very hard on this platform a year ago. We have a new digital PWM on the boards now. It ROCKS! Boards are very stable, bench at monster frequencies, behave great subzero, run very efficient and have some great overclocking features even on the affordable range of boards! Great effort to the whole GIGABYTE team!